Oneonta Heights Grand Opening

Oneonta Heights is a new and renovated development in the City of Oneonta, NY with Housing Visions, a large and experienced affordable housing developer in Syracuse, NY. The project includes 60 total units of quality, affordable housing, including a 40 unit new construction senior building, addressing a critical need for quality senior housing in this college town.

Excerpt from NYREJ article:
Governor Andrew Cuomo celebrated the completion and grand opening of a $15.9 million affordable housing development in Otsego County. The development, known as Oneonta Heights, provides 60 new affordable apartments for senior citizens and families on formerly vacant and blighted properties downtown.

The $15.9 million project consists of seven buildings in three “clusters” throughout the affordable housing neighborhood, including six newly constructed buildings and one strategically located rehab facility. The properties were built to the highest green building standards to reduce the overall impact on the environment, and increase the health and comfort level of residents.

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Media Contact: Kim Mura, Senior Marketing Coordinator for SWBR
Kim Mura
Senior Communications Coordinator
585 232 8300

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