Northland Workforce Training Center Wins 2019 Preservation Buffalo Niagara Award

Preservation Buffalo Niagara recently recognized the Northland Workforce Training Center in Buffalo with a 2019 Outstanding Project Award.

The Northland Workforce Training Center provides training and education for emerging careers in advanced manufacturing and energy sectors for Western New Yorkers. The new hub is expected to train 300 to 400 students annually, with wraparound services that include innovative recruiting and assessment, job placement, and comprehensive support services. The Center was created through the adaptive reuse of a portion of a historic industrial structure at 683 Northland Avenue-the former Clearing Niagara Plant-and will serve as the anchor tenant of the Northland Beltline on Buffalo’s East Side. The project received funding from Buffalo Billion and the New York Power Authority.

SWBR collaborated with Watts Architecture and Engineering, providing urban design, master planning, programming, and schematic design services.
