Holy Rosary Apartments Wins Landmark Society Award

Holy Rosary Apartments was awarded the prestigious Barber Conable Award from the Landmark Society on November 10, 2013 at Rochester’s City Hall.  This award recognizes a large-scale rehabilitation of a historic building in the Rochester community, including buildings listed in the National Register of Historic Places and projects utilizing the Federal Investment Tax Credit Program.  SWBR served as lead architect on Providence Housing Development Corporation’s $15M project.

Holy Rosary Apartments provides 35 affordable apartments on its main campus and 25 new single-family homes. The 10,000-square-foot historic church has been adapted as a community center. SWBR transformed the former Holy Rosary Church rectory, convent, and school buildings into apartments located at 26 different sites in 30 buildings.  The design incorporated new construction, rehabilitation, adaptive reuse, and historic rehabilitation.

“Holy Rosary Apartments is a unique complex in our community that has made an outstanding effort in the preservation of a historic property,” said Wayne Goodman, Executive Director of the Western NY Landmark Society. “This building is in a neighborhood where there is a great need. Holy Rosary Apartments, the former Holy Rosary Church, is ideal as it was transformed from a church into housing with a Mediterranean Revival style, helping many of our community members and giving them a home.”
