Case Study: McQuaid Jesuit Addition and Renovation

McQuaid, a top-rated all-male, college prep school in Rochester, decided to “go healthy” with their meal program, and wanted an adult, sophisticated environment to compliment adult choices. SWBR was hired to completely renovate the cafeteria – over the course of a single summer.

Optimal functionality was determined by working directly with the kitchen staff and facilities team. The new design worked within the existing footprint, but dramatically opened and brightened up the space. Large exterior windows were added to in the serving area, bringing in natural light. A brick-enclosed custom pizza oven, pasta station, salad/soup island, healthy grill, custom-made sandwich shop, panini bar and a healthy drink station were installed, transforming the traditional kitchen and serving line model into a scattered food station model.

All the work was completed over the course of a single summer, resulting in a contemporary dining space unlike any high school cafeteria. With the high-end finishes, clean layout and delicious, healthy food choices, the new cafeteria is more like a restaurant – a fact that even teenage boys can appreciate and embrace.

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Media Contact: Kim Mura, Senior Marketing Coordinator for SWBR
Kim Mura
Senior Communications Coordinator
585 232 8300

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