Victor Central School District 2017 Capital Improvement Project
In 2016, Victor CSD’s Capital Improvement Project, based on the 2015 Building Condition Survey, was approved and will be funded without any impact to local property taxes. As the District’s architects, SWBR completed the survey, developed the $25M Project, and helped the District secure financing and public support.
Early Childhood School:
- Five classroom addition, a renovated and expanded nurse’s office, occupational and physical therapy classroom, and a renovated parking lot and bus loop
Repair/replace HVAC, alarm and roofing systems
Primary School:
- Toilet room renovations, corridor ceiling and floor replacement
- Heating system upgrades, parking lot repairs, and roof repairs/replacement
Intermediate School:
- Gym will be replaced with a new larger gym and new large ensemble music room
- Roof, corridor ceiling, fire alarm and emergency generator repairs
Junior/Senior High Schools:
- Senior High nurse’s office renovated
- Additional tennis courts
- Boiler and hot water tank replaced, and the roof repaired/replaced
Bus Garage and Storage Facility
- General repairs and maintenance
- District-wide, a fully funded $4M Energy Performance Contract
- Replace outdated lights and equipment with high-quality, high-performing, energy-efficient LED fixtures and high tech controls, reducing costs and the District’s carbon footprint