Lancaster Square

TM Montante Development set out to transform a vacant Hospital site into a mixed-use community through an invitation-only design competition. The challenge consisted of a gateway building that would be the first in a series on the site. The design needed to respect the existing community values and be sensitive to its context abutting Frederick Law Olmstead’s Gates Circle.

SWBR’s proposal was a 54,000 sf 5 story building with retail on the ground level and 48 residential units above. The .33 acre site allowed a compact, sustainable design that incorporated amenities such as roof mounted PV panels, a fitness center and a roof garden. Site design was a delicate balance between Urbanism and Nature, paying attention to its relationship with Gates Circle and activating new urban streetscapes.

Although not realized, this project exemplified compact, sustainable design that not only respects it’s context and history, but also challenges our cities to look to the future and create meaningful architecture in the present day.


  • Completion 2017


Housing Mixed-Use