Corning Community College Master Plan

Corning Community College is transforming its campus through strategic planning, academic positioning and facility investment. In order to best leverage limited financial resources, SWBR was hired to prepare a visionary update to their Facility Master Plan and a strategic five-year capital investment plan.

The Facilities Master Plan includes a detailed space analysis and a comprehensive existing facilities condition report. An extensive stakeholder participation process and work with senior staff was used to finalize an Academic Plan and project future enrollment.

Goals of the Master Plan are first and foremost to support Student Success. Secondly to implement three other themes of their Strategic Plan: Educational Programming, Quality Resources and Community Engagement. Project recommendations included the development of an Earth & Sky STEM program and facility, creation of a new North Quad, and completion of vehicular and pedestrian system.

“…using SWBR’s leadership and expertise, we developed a set of recommendations and planning guidelines we’re confident will inform our decisions to create a richer learning environment. Our College, and future generation of our students, will be well served as a result.”
– Dr. Kate Douglas, President, Corning Community College
