City of Buffalo Parks and Buffalo Public Schools Facilities Improvements

Enhancing athletic and recreational facilities at 11 public parks and schools.

In 2018, the City of Buffalo Public Schools and the Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo (CFGB), identified parks and recreation facilities that required improvements to enhance the user experience, expand community access, and increase equity for Buffalo youth. After receiving a grant from the Ralph Wilson Foundation, CFGB selected SWBR to provide planning analysis and design development services to facilitate work at the 11 neighborhood parks. Following community input sessions, the multi-disciplined design team presented plans for future improvements to eleven City school and park facilities. Once implemented, these designs will enhance recreation opportunities, neighborhood character, and ultimately the health of city residents.

Project Locations

  1. Charles Dingboom Riverside Field
  2. Grabiarz Field
  3. All High Stadium
  4. McCarthy Park
  5. Olmsted at Kensington Field
  6. Glenny Park
  7. Seneca High School Field – MST
  8. Johnnie B. Wiley / Masten Park
  9. Waterfront / Emerson Young Park
  10. JFK Park
  11. Mungovan Park

Inventory and Analysis Studies

Inventory and analysis studies informed proposed programming needs and site improvements at all 11 sites.

Planning Analysis

The planning analysis identified improvements to fields, spectator stands, field lighting, drainage and watering, landscaping, walkways, parking, artificial and natural turf fields, green infrastructure, and public amenities.
