Omega EP Addition

UR’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) was established as a center for the investigation of the interaction of intense radiation with matter. To extend the capabilities of the facility’s existing OMEGA laser system, an addition was needed to build, house and operate a new OMEGA EP laser.

The function of the building dictated its massive, mostly windowless space. And precision drove every aspect of its design, construction and aesthetic. A 36” thick concrete mat foundation supports the addition, eliminating vibrations. Ambient temperature and humidity systems, precise to within a <0.5% variation, control the laser bay. The control room, which requires low light levels, uses of precisely dimmable suspended indirect lighting. A viewing gallery, accessed by a four-story staircase, provides a panoramic view of the bay and adjoining target areas. Throughout, lighting and alignment are used to represent the physical expression of the science’s linear nature.

With the addition of the OMEGA EP laser in The Robert L. Sproull Center for Ultra High Intensity Laser Research, the LLE is a unique national resource for research and education in science and technology.


  • Size30,000 SF
  • Completion 2007


Rochester Chapter AIA Citation of Merit Award Construction Specifications Institute Honorable Mention Project Award The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Harley Hill Lighting Design Award