Nazareth University Smyth Hall Renovation

Subsequent to the creation of Nazareth University’s York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute (WRI), Nazareth’s iconic Smyth Hall underwent its own transformation to house the University’s Nursing Department. SWBR significantly renovated the second floor to create a high-tech, hands-on, collaborative learning environment – central to the Department’s revitalized nursing program.

Two 8-bed Nursing Skills Laboratories were added, each with central classroom areas and an instructional toilet/shower room specifically designed for nursing education. Three state-of-the-art Patient Simulation Laboratories accommodate four learning stations around a central control room. These spaces provide hands-on learning with sophisticated, computer-controlled, patient simulation mannequins that emulate real-world conditions, which improve learning and retention results. The project also included academic and office renovations; new breakout and collaboration areas; significant lighting, mechanical and technology upgrades; and a full sprinkler system.

“Nazareth is on the cutting edge of what is happening in nursing and the allied health fields,” said Nazareth President Daan Braveman. “Our renovated nursing space provides a progressive inter-professional teaching and learning environment where students and faculty can collaborate in clinical services, research, and the development of innovative practices.”

