Regional Traffic Operations Center
This facility is shared by four entities: The Greater Rochester International Airport, Monroe County Department of Transportation, New York State Department of Transportation, and the New York State Police. The Airport portion houses runway and apron maintenance equipment. The operations center is designed in a way so that all of the workstations are focused on a large screen display that displays all traffic signal and flow information and is capable of displaying real time video images. Behind the large projection screen is the room for central communications and the computer center that links the NYS DOT, County DOT and the NYS Police. The facility and system serve to increase public safety on State and County roadways through monitoring traffic flow, signal problems, accidents, weather conditions and reacting to this information by dispatching police or maintenance vehicles, controlling signal frequency or other action. The MCDOT & NYSDOT Signals Maintenance Divisions occupy the central portion of the facility. The NYS Police Troop E, has relocated here as well; their Communications section has become an integral element of the final part of the project: creation of a Traffic Operations Center/Traffic Control Center.